Beyond The Prairie: The True Story Of Laura Ingalls Wilder

Moving Image
U-matic: 3/4 inch videotape
Created: 2000


Beyond The Prairie: The True Story Of Laura Ingalls Wilder
Summary: A love story that covers the pivotal time in the life of the beloved author of the LITTLE HOUSE book series as she leaves the secure, familiar arms of her family to begin a new life as a wife and mother.

"The world knows her fictional accounts of the Ingalls family on the Prairie, but her true story is even more harrowing. From a fire ball that nearly took the entire homestead to one of the worst winters in history, the formative years covered in this exquisite film show a truthful and honest side to an extraordinary woman.

"A little girl poised on the brink of womanhood, Laura boldly embraced both life and love with an uncommonly keen insight into the human spirit. Her passion would not be quelled and therefore her life would rise above the seemingly [insurmountable] difficulties."--2000 Peabody Awards entry form.

Corporate Producers: CBS Entertainment (Firm) | CBS Television Network

Persons Appearing: Richard Thomas (Cast (Charles Ingalls)) | Meredith Monroe (Cast (Laura Ingalls)) | Walton Goggins (Cast (Almanzo Wilder)) | Lindsay Crouse (Cast (Caroline Ingalls)) | Tess Harper (Cast (Older Laura Ingalls Wilder)) | Patrick Fugit (Cast (Charles in classroom))

Broadcast Date: 2000-01-02

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