Election 2000 Special. [2000-09-14], Proposition KK
Summary: "During this past 'election season' Bill Rosendahl moderated thirty-two 'election specials.' This body of work represents the only statewide attempt to reach the California voters with any in-depth look at the candidates, the ballot initiatives[,] and ballot propositions. It is also Bill's policy to include
all candidates running for elected office, this includes third parties as well as independents. The notable exception to this policy was his moderating of the debate for U.S. Senate between Senator Dianne Feinstein and Congressman Tom Campbell. Bill was informed that one party would not agree to the debate if third party candidates were included. He made his decision to go ahead with the scheduled debate (held in our studio) based on the fact that this would be only one of two debates held [between] the major candidates during the entire race. However, we did extend an invitation to the five other senatorial candidates to appear on our show 'Week in Review'. The invitation was accepted by two of those candidates. Our 'Candidates Forum' for the Santa Monica City Council race and the Los Angeles County Assessors race demonstrate quite effectively Bill's commitment to inclusion by all parties.
"We have included in these submissions three shows that deal with the California phenomena of the 'Ballot Proposition'. We've chosen these three because they demonstrate what the 'voter' encounters when entering the election booth. First we have Statewide, Prop. 38 (school vouchers), Countywide, Orange County Measure F (tobacco fund allocation) and responsibilities as informed participatory citizens. It is Bill Rosendahl's fervent belief that as a twenty-first century journalist, it is his responsibility to educate and inform his viewers."--2000 Peabody Awards entry form.
This is an Election 2000 Special, "Proposition KK."
Corporate Producers: Adelphia Communications
Broadcast Date: 2000-09-14