Journey to Terre Haute: From the Cradle to the Grave

Created: 2001
One web series on one disc. Ingested by BMA in 2023.


Journey to Terre Haute: From the Cradle to the Grave
Summary: "When it became clear that, barring any last minute developments, Timothy McVeigh would actually be put to death, the editors and reporters at struggled with what original reporting to do. We are a small site, with a handful of editorial staffers, and it didn't seem to make much sense to go to Terre Haute and hang out around the prison and basically report the same thing that hundreds of other media outlets were reporting. So we came up with this project. On the weekend before the execution, producer Andy Brooks and writer Catherine Quayle took a trip from McVeigh's childhood home in upstate New York to Terre Haute, Indiana, where the bomber was executed June 11. Taking full advantage of the web as our medium, Catherine wrote stories, Andy shot video and stills, and back home we updated a map of their progress as they drove. They even did a chat from a strip mall payphone on the outskirts of Terre Haute. In her first dispatch Catherine wrote of the project: 'Along the way, we will talk to people, ask them about the execution, about the death penalty, about their lives. It will be a journey through the heartland. In an RV. It is an American odyssey, wrong side out, and it is probably crazy and maybe in poor taste, but we have had this idea. This idea.'" -2001 Peabody Awards entry form.

Corporate Producers: Courtroom Television Network

Broadcast Date: 2001-06-08