Savannah Music Festival collection

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Collection Details

Collection Dates: 2000s
Scope and Content Note: The collection consists of audio recordings from the Savannah Music Festival during the first decade of the 21st century.
Biographical Note: "The Savannah Music Festival (SMF) is dedicated to presenting a world-class celebration of the musical arts by creating timeless and adventurous productions that stimulate arts education, foster economic growth, and unite artists and audiences in Savannah. It is Georgia's largest musical arts event and one of the most distinctive cross-genre music festivals in the world. In addition to an array of musical performances that includes dance, film, and narrative programs, the festival operates year-round to produce youth concerts, lectures, in-school touring programs, recordings, a weekly radio series, an annual high school jazz band competition and festival, and interactive websites."--Savannah Music Festival website (, accessed Oct. 20, 2011.
Extent: [20?] sound discs : digital, stereo ; 4 3/4 in.
Provenance: Deposited at the Walter J. Brown Media Archives by Rob Gibson, 2007.
Cite Collection As: Savannah Music Festival collection, 2000-2009. Walter J. Brown Media Archives and Peabody Awards Collection, The University of Georgia Libraries.

Objects in the collection
