Sidney Pike audiovisual materials

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Scope and Content Note: Includes components from The American Way of Life Brazil exchange project, a series of five programs about an average American family, which were shown on Channel 9, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Also includes recordings from Turner Program Services, CNN International, Worldwide News and Satellite Technology Seminar, Broadcasting Foundation of America, WBZ-TV, "Captain Bob" from WHGH.  
Biographical Note: Sidney Pike's (b. 1927) career in television began with producing and directing baseball programming for Boston's WBZ-TV (1950-1957) and WHDH-TV (1957-1967). During his tenure at WHDH, Pike also produced a documentary, "American Way of Life," using his own family for an exchange of television programming between Brazil and the U.S. (1961-1963). In 1968, he became the station manager for Atlanta's WQXI-TV, Channel 11. Three years later, Pike joined Ted Turner to develop his newly purchased UHF channel, a relationship that lasted for twenty-five years. He served as station manager of WTBS until 1980, when Turner created CNN. In 1984, Pike began travelling the globe selling CNN International programming and he retired as President of CNN International Special Projects in 1996.
Extent: 225 items (VHS, 3/4", 2", 16mm, 1/4" audio)
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Related materials in other repositories: Sidney Pike papers, Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library.

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